How Surge Protection Could Save You Thousands This Summer Storm Season

Surge protection is a way of protecting different electrical items in your home against the increase of voltage that can occur after many incidents, most commonly lightning strikes which come so often during storms. By grounding the volts coming off of equipment, which could be receptive to strikes or surges, you are saving yourself thousands of dollars in replacement costs.

Surge protection can be a little as a multi plug strip for a small office or whole house panel protector that will keep every outlet in check. Whichever choice you decide to install you will be patting yourself on the back when the heat rolls in the thunder and lightning cracks down near your home.

Keeping Your Investments in Tact

Fifty years ago the components of electrical equipment were in the dust compared to the intricacy of today’s essentials. Unfortunately along with these upgrades we see a delicacy that is highly affected by voltage spurts. In a worst case scenario your investments in expensive equipment could be worthless if they are burnt out by a high enough hit. Best case you’re seeing serious equipment life loss or destruction of saved memory.

Lower Electrical Bill

120 V is the average voltage for plug output and anything that increases high above that can affect your bill. Energy conserving surge protectors can also monitor your electric spending by controlling which electronics have access to voltage even when off.

Buying a surge protector is not only going to help lower a potentially high electric bill (which is predicted to increase in the summer anyways), it is very cost efficient to purchase. Most multi plug protectors range anywhere between ten to twenty five dollars which is a steal in comparison to the items you’re protecting.

Maintenance Reduction

As a form of insurance on your electrical items, this is a great way to keep the maintenance costs at bay. When lightning strikes it can affect larger items such as your air-conditioning, which are essential in the summer and very costly to repair after it is deteriorated by surge strikes. Plus the guarantees that many come with benefit you in the long run when your products are not as brand spanking new or are more prone to faltering under high voltage.

Avoid Equipment Downtime

Nothing worse than working on a deadline and next thing you know that afternoon storm sets you back hours that you weren’t budgeting for. With the installation of surge protectors you don’t have to worry about equipment crashing on you during rough weather as each item hooked up will stay running. Not to mention other forms of increased volts such as faulty wiring or issues with power lines are additionally covered.

A lot of surge protectors can also blow out, so a good tip to make sure you’re still keeping up with the volts is to obtain one with an indicator light to show full coverage is still intact.
Don’t wait till it’s too late this summer, a fried computer and broken air conditioning unit could leave you wishing you purchased a cost efficient surge protector.

This article was written by Rebecca Borchers. Rebecca is a long time resident of Florida and is no stranger to lightning and hurricanes. For as long as she can remember, she has used surge protection on all of her electronics. She is also a professional content creator for To learn more about Rebecca, feel free to check out her Google+.